

依據救生員資格檢定辦法第4 條規定,申請救生員之資格:


依據救生員資格檢定辦法第6 條規定:




依據救生員資格檢定辦法3 條規定,救生員之類別及執行業務範圍如下:


依據救生員資格檢定辦法第7 條規定,應繳納之規費:



中華民國103 年12 月18 日
台內營字第1030814724 號
部 長 陳威仁

一、 禁止陳列、販賣、搬運依法禁止或應予保護之動物、植物、礦物、化石、文物及其標本或加工製品。
二、 禁止未經海洋國家公園管理處(以下簡稱海管處)許可捕撈生物,採取岩石、礦物、化石、珊瑚、珊瑚礁石等天然物,或打撈水下考古遺物。
三、 禁止未經海管處許可在珊瑚礁區域下錨、投放人工魚礁、設置人為設施、使用化學藥劑、污染物或其他破壞珊瑚礁生態及海域環境之行為。
七、 禁止燃放爆竹、煙火及施放天燈之行為。但特殊節日慶典、民俗禮儀及宗教祭祀經海管處許



交通部觀光局北海岸及觀音山國家風景區管理處公告 中華民國104年1月7日 北觀管字第1030300710號
主  旨:修正「北海岸及觀音山國家風景區危險區域限制事項」,並自即日生效。依  據:發展觀光條例第六十四條第三款。


處  長 陳美秀

附件 北海岸及觀音山國家風景區危險區域限制事項

一、 危險區域位置(詳公告位置圖):

(一) 麟山鼻岬角石滬區一帶釣場(台2線23K)。

(二) 富貴角婚紗廣場右側下方海灘區(台2線24.5K)。

(三) 富基漁港港區入口消波塊旁淺灘區(台2線24.8K)。

(四) 富貴角老梅溪口出海口處(台2線25.5K)。

(五) 水尾漁港左側一線天景點礁石區。

(六) 獅頭山公園中正亭下方步道岬角礁石區。

(七) 海洋世界後方海王星碼頭邊堤。

(八) 野柳舊隧道相思燈小凸岬。

(九) 野柳地質公園(第三區野柳岬角含畚箕湖礁石區、第三區瑪伶鳥石後方岩壁礁石區)。

二、 危險區域限制事項:

(一) 危險區域於中央氣象局預報下列天氣範圍時,禁止人員進入:

1、 發布颱風警報為警戒區域。

2、 預測平均風力達8級且浪高6公尺以上時。

(二) 人員進入危險區域靠近岸際活動,應注意危險波浪(瘋狗浪)並穿著救生衣,不得有危害自身或他人安全之行為。

三、 違反前項限制事項者,依發展觀光條例第六十四條規定處新臺幣三千元以上一萬五千元以下罰鍰。





學校一向以預算不足及課程太緊湊為理由,減少游泳課。英國業餘游泳協會代理會長比芙里奇(Ashley Beaverridge)強調,游泳雖然已是全國強制性課程,但全英國仍有近1,300所小學不上游泳課。另一方面,據英國全國體育課程計畫,所有學校必須在第一階段或第二階段提供游泳訓練,特別應該教導學童:



3) 在不同水域情況下進行安全的自救。






Swim Well, Race Better

Swim Well, Race Better – IRONMAN.com | Official Site of IRONMAN, IRONMAN 70.3, 5i50, Iron Girl and IRONKIDS | Triathlon Races | Official IRONMAN Merchandise | IRONMAN World Championship in Kona, Hawaii

The swim is the key to a calm and composed race. Here’s how to exit the water running.

by Terry Laughlin

Newsflash: swimming accounts for 10 percent or less of your total time spent competing in a triathlon. The 90 percent of the race that happens on dry land has far more potential to influence your outcome, in time or placement.

That short time spent in the water, however, makes up for itself with its broad influence. Let’s look at the two main areas where your swim starts to impact the rest of your race.


The swim experience can be stressful—particularly for a first-timer—and take away much of the pleasure of the overall experience. This happens because either a) you feel unable to exert control of your body, or b) you feel deeply vulnerable—trapped in a sea of densely-packed bodies in deep water. The resulting anxiety and panic will leave you needing to clear adrenaline from your bloodstream once you’re back on land when you’d be better to just send fuel to your muscles—not much fun and not good for your ability to ride.

Maximize your open-water comfort

Meditate on success. Calm pre-race jitters (and block out nervous chatter around you) by doing slow, controlled nose-breathing while visualizing your best form. Nose breathing is a stress-reduction technique. Combining it with visualization primes your brain and muscles to turn visualization into reality.  You’re best to practice this before race day—ideally at the end of the lane before practice sessions.

Be the quiet center. If you find yourself in the middle of a splashy pack, turn it into a game. Observe the strokes of those around you and strive to swim with the quietest, most leisurely, stroke of anyone around you. Strategies that insulate you from anxiety and help you feel in control of your swim will also help conserve energy for the bike and run.


Even if you finish the swim without having felt anxiety, you might have worked so hard that you feel drained for much of the race.

This is because you’ve got a finite number of heartbeats to spend, so to speak, over the course of the cumulative time it takes to complete the event. On land—because of gravity, heat and hills—there will be many times when you’ll have little choice but to expend more energy. The water is the only part of the race where saving this energy to spend later is a viable option. It’s also the most strategic option for any triathlete who did not grow up swimming competitively, because, while it takes only a little more energy to run a little faster, it takes a LOT more energy to swim a little faster.

The key to success in running and cycling is training to get in better shape. The key to optimizing your swim performance, however, is to practice in ways that address the open-water swim.

Minimize your energy output

Swim as a warmup. Imagine that the race actually begins as you mount your bike, that you will simply swim to the start as a warmup.  Forming a conscious intention that you will not race during the swim can remove performance pressure. Include swimming at a gentle warmup pace in your visualization. Do entire practices at warmup pace leading up to the race so you’re extra familiar with it—making your visualization all the more realistic.

Choose a focal point. Before the race, choose a specific aspect of your stroke for laser focus. Good choices for nervous newbies include (i) Maintain a ‘weightless’ or neutral head position; (ii) Cut a ‘slot’ with fingers and slide your forearm through on entry; and (iii) Extend your arm without bubbles. Mindfully eliminating bubbles in your stroke also eliminates self-doubt. This also works best if rehearsed in practice.

And, finally, keep a smile on your face throughout the swim as practice for the big smile you’ll display as you high-step out of the water on your way into T1.

Terry Laughlin is the founder of Total Immersion coaching: “Swimming that Changes Your Life.”

Originally from: http://www.ironman.com/triathlon/news/articles/2014/09/swim-impact-on-whole-race.aspx#ixzz3H8hEzFmI


國際衝浪總會(ISA)會長艾魁爾(Fernando Aguerre)表示,為使衝浪運動納入奧運,過去幾年已經除去多項障礙,此刻是衝浪運動歷來離奧運最近的時候。科技的進展帶領衝浪接近加入奧運的夢想,尤其是人造海浪技術的進步,使這項運動更容易進行。儘管人造浪技術已存在一段時日,艾魁爾認為,要先確定機器確實可以完全複製真實的海浪效果,再向IOC正式提案。艾魁爾強調,新技術不但降低人造海浪的成本,也可裝置於多功能的游泳池。